Thursday 15 February 2007

Fag Run

We could go on a fag run, I personally don't smoke but I do see the benefits to bulk buying. I suppose whilst we are there we could also buy a few crates of beer just to test how bad people can get when drunk and smoking. I really haven't got the foggiest of where to go or what to do so I'll be a sheep and follow others. Baaa.

Smoking has never really bothered me to be fair I've grew up around smokers and a smokey home but don't smoke myself and neither do my brother or sister. Quite a lot of my friends don't smoke either the odd one smokes socially, so to speak but other than that nothing.


Make money blogging! said...

"Fag run" lol what a great idea, I'm up for that, where there's a quick buck I'm there.

But anyway back to the serious issue, you say you grew up in a smoking home environment.

Don't you believe your parents/guardians were being a bit selfish?

I believe people who smoke around young children, are selfish as they do not consider the health affects on the child.

Pragati Rana said...

Well, that's an interesting idea but i'd rather not. I'm asthmatic so it's a bad idea, i'm actually asthmatic because my grandad smoked loads when i was little, so i practically smoked without knowing i was. i don't really hate smokers nor do i think it's the best idea in the world. i just think that it's your choice if you want to smoke or not, those who want to let them, just don't blow the smoke in my face, it might just kill me.

theresa said...

when i was pregnant the smell of cigarette smoke made me feel physically sick so i tried to avoid it as much as me its EVERYWHERE!!!! i think it smells worse about ten minutes after the smoker has finished and there is just a stale "after smell".
i work in the P.E. dept. of a senior school so as you can imagine there was a lot of "after smell" mixed with cheap deoderant and polo mints about.
"Me Miss? Smoke Miss? Cause not.....thats why i can't run more than ten yards without the need for oxygen, Miss!